Twin Lakes High School JAG Earth Day Challenge 2021

To celebrate Earth Day (April 22), Twin Lakes H.S. JAG Program is challenging everyone to take action by taking some time and picking up litter. The challenge will begin Monday, April 19-Sunday-April 25 using the Litterati App.

**Using this app while picking up litter helps track what kind of litter is found the most AND is there something that we can do about it???

The GOAL: 5,000 pieces of litter picked up in 7 days. We need everyone’s help in reaching this goal.  Picking up a couple pieces of litter a day, walking to and from your car, is all it takes to make a difference!  Take a walk with your family and pick up some litter along the way!

To participate, all you need to do is: 

  1. Download the Litterati app from your app store on your cell phone.
  2. Create your account
  3. Enter Challenge Code:  TRASHTALKS
  4. Take pics of litter, throw it away and tag pic for data compilation. See Link below for more info.

**Litterati is a free app that is empowering individuals to make a significant, measurable impact on the environment. Far more than just picking up litter, the worldwide community of Litterati users are building the most powerful crowd-sourced set of data on litter ever


Together we can make a difference in our community by taking action! We hope that you will join us!