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Student Produced News Site of Twin Lakes High School

Tribe Live

Student Produced News Site of Twin Lakes High School

Tribe Live

Student Produced News Site of Twin Lakes High School

Tribe Live

Miles Ademi , Staff

Senior at Twin Lakes. His future plans are to attend Ball State with an interest in legal studies, then later attend law school. Hilariously enough, the student body ended up electing Miles as Senior Class President. He gets to perform a speech at graduation, which we are all looking forward to. Miles participates in Speech Team, Bean of the Week (with Tomie and Christian), and theatre. He is often seen with the boys: Tomie, Christian, and Santiago to name a few. His favorite food is delicious, nutritious tomato soup.Where would you find Miles on a Friday night? Well, you’ll find him exactly where he is every weekend; working his life away, while occasionally calling off to hang with the boys.

All content by Miles Ademi