Girls Soccer Seniors Enjoying Final Season

Sydney McCall

More stories from Sydney McCall

Looking Ahead
January 7, 2021

Senior Haley Beach prepares to take a goal kick during the Benton Central game. Beach went on to say, “It was a rough game, but the improvement that some of the girls made over the summer really showed.”

Senior Natalie Rodriguez battles for the ball during a home game. Natalie said “I’m looking forward to a good senior year. We’ve been working hard all summer and are hoping to accomplish many wins throughout the season.”

Girls soccer team has played a total of 4 games, 2 of which they have won. When I asked Natalie how coronavirus has affected her season, she said it hadn’t affected her season much besides the fact that they have to wear face masks on the benches, but other than that they play normal on the fields. Natalie says that she gets along with all of her teammates and makes sure to treat them with respect, while also having fun.

Haley joined soccer because a lot of her friends were playing, and she had played here and there for fun, but quickly realized how much she enjoyed it. She joined the soccer team when she was 11 years old but had been playing it for fun way before that. Her favorite part about soccer is creating bonds with people and meeting new people. She has made a total of three goals in one game. Haley also said about the same thing as Natalie when I asked her how coronavirus has affected her season. She said that they just have to wear masks on benches and inside to go to the restroom, but other than that they’re pretty unaffected by it. Haley said that playing a team sport is always going to be about how well you get along with your teammates, and you’re never going to like everyone but regardless you should always treat them with respect. Overall Natalie and Haley both enjoy playing soccer and hanging out with their teammates.