Roadie of the Week- Ty Ploss

Eduardo Puga, Staff

Homecoming is a big event to show your school pride and show everyone your school is the best. Our homecoming was against BC and there was one student who showed up to show great support for our TL Football team, and that is senior Ty Ploss. He was a hard person to miss, being easily spotted with his body paint, sporting fellow senior Anthony Pullium’s number, along with his red and white pants who he allowed fellow students to sign, and the unforgettable GoPro strapped to his forehead to capture every moment. His outfit and school pride is what ultimately led to his naming of Roadie of the Week and had this to say, “Being Roadie of the Week is an amazing accomplishment for me,” said Ploss. “I hope I can inspire more people in the younger classes to have as much spirit as I do when they are a senior.”

During his time while being named Roadie of the Week, you will be sure to see Ploss with his prized possession that is the spirit stick walking around the halls flaunting his prize. Our whole Roadie section is an excellent thing that provides support for our teams and by encouraging others to come out and support our classmates. It also creates a giant support system for everyone, along with giving the students a space to congregate and have fun with one another. We still have many football games left and anyone can take the title of being named Roadie of the Week, so show up and show everyone how proud you are to be a TL Indian.