TL Student Leaders Making a Difference


The Twin Lakes Principles of Business Management class was tasked to complete service learning projects that will benefit the community. The class hasl 8 groups that will be helping the community by volunteering or raising money from bakery sales to volunteering services. Group 5, which consists of Nick Cormican, Brayden Hughes, Cole Wargo, Clayton Bridwell, and Jenn Ochoa helped better the community on September 14th. Our group had noticed that some campgrounds need extra help and cleanup services. They went to White Oaks Campground and cleaned the surrounding areas from 10AM-12PM. The project helped improve the White Oaks Campground and allow them to possibly attract and gain more campers. 

No one would want to visit and stay at a messy, disheveled campground with their family, which is why the group decided to provide our services to help out White Oaks Campground. They felt they would not only be improving the quality of the surrounding areas and the campground itself, but also bettering family relations since they are mostly there for vacations away from their home. Volunteering at the campground allowed them to make a difference, both in their community and in our environment. Excess trash will only not ruin the environment and harm animals, but drive customers away to other competing campsites. White Oaks will benefit from both a better environment and an increase in customers once campers realize how much it has improved. Nick Cormican said, “We are excited to be helping better the community and environment!”